Saturday, August 4, 2012

Antagonist Vs. Amethyst - A Healthy Debate of Philosphy


ShuvRo Kazee [ Scribbled Notes ]
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"You think On Every Ordinary Day... Our Lives are filled with Random Events... But are they ReaLLy Random? Every steps which you are takiNg, actually changing your Life in eveRy moment foreveR..."
- ShuvRo Kazee 

[A newLy added Hypothesis to explain about "Theory of Randomness vs. Theory of Determinism" - A Research Journal by Me]

A year ago, I enrolled the course ENG105 in my university. The course instructor was new. So, the students really didn’t know him. But After some classes he gradually became everyones' favorite for his different methods of teaching. This very little essay is not about him. But it surely started with him. He once recommended a book named “Cosmos” by Carl Sagan to the students. The book was about astrology. In simple words, the book was about Stars and the Suns. I read it. I always had interest in the Stars. In the book, I found that the author has used the term “Randomness” and “Determinism”. Then I studied about these theories. These theories state exact opposite statement to each other. But this was not the problem. The problem is that these two theories lead me to a question.

“God exists or Not?” You may ask me now that how this freaking question connected to “Theory of Randomness” and “Theory of Determinism”. Ok, Lets me elaborate.

If God exists then the Determinism Theory will be the winner theory amongst these two. Because “Theory of Determinism” states, Determinism is the view that every event, including human cognition, behavior, decision, and action, is causally determined by an unbroken chain of prior occurrences. Determinists believe the universe is fully governed by causal laws resulting in only one possible state at any point in time. With numerous historical debates, many varieties and philosophical positions on the subject of determinism exist.

“Confused? Alright I’m making it easier, folks!”

Determinism says that occurrences in nature are causally decided by preceding events of a natural law. That everything leading up to this point has happened for a reason.

Causal determinism is the thesis that future events are necessitated by past and present events combined with the laws of nature. Such determinism is sometimes illustrated by the thought experiment of Laplace's demon. Imagine an entity that knows all facts about the past and the present, and knows all natural laws that govern the universe. Such an entity might be able to use this knowledge to foresee the future, down to the smallest detail. Simon-Pierre Laplace's theory is generally referred to as "Scientific Determinism" and predicated on the supposition that all events have a cause and effect and the precise combination of events at a particular time engender a particular outcome. This causal determinism has a direct relationship with predictability. Perfect predictability implies strict determinism, but lack of predictability does not necessarily imply lack of determinism. Limitations on predictability could alternatively be caused by factors such as a lack of information or excessive complexity. An example of this could be found by looking at a bomb dropping from the air. Through mathematics, we can predict the time the bomb will take to reach the ground, and we also know what will happen once the bomb explodes. Any small errors in prediction might arise from our not measuring some factors, such as puffs of wind or variations in air temperature along the bomb's path. Theological determinism is the thesis that there is a God who determines all that humans will do, either by knowing their actions in advance, via some form of omniscience or by decreeing their actions in advance. The problem of free will, in this context, is the problem of how our actions can be free, if there is a being who has determined them for us ahead of time. And that entity, an unbroken chain of prior occurrences, preceding event of natural laws, the reason whatever these theories are stating is being directed to a Supreme Force far beyond us. God as we know him.

And exact opposite honor will go to the Randomness Theory if God’s or the Creator’s existence is a wrong concept which is being followed by differently in different cultures and countries.

The character “Sherlock Holmes” created by Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle. Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes said, “May be Evolution is a two step process, and the fact that the first step is in a sense 'random' does not thereby mean that the total evolution process is random. Also that doesn't mean that evolution is deterministic.

The theory of Randomness, which says, it is all simply coincidence. The very fact that we exist is nothing but the result of a complex yet inevitable strong chemical accidences and biological mutations. There is no reason. There is no Supreme Entity.

So if we compare these two theories closely keeping no other factors in mind, we will find that “the theory of Randomness“is more efficient than “the theory of Determinism“. Determinism is an abstract concept, not a practical one. Hence, even Randomness does not exist as we can’t practically prove it.

And “The theory of Randomness” says just one thing. That everything is happening in a totally unpredictable order. Randomness disagrees that there is a God who determines all that humans will do, either by knowing their actions in advance, via some form of omniscience or by decreeing their actions in advance. There is no purpose to serve. There is no reason.


  • Theory of Probability - Guessing Correct Results or a Possible Outcome in an unpredictabl Every Single Time is Impossible in Mathematic
-  Mashreef Ahmed

=> Review : (Preety Impresive Thoughts")  ~~||ShuvRo Kazee||~~
"* * * *"

In mathematics there is a theory known as ‘Theory of Probability’. If you have two options, out of which one is right, and one is wrong, the chances that you will chose the right one is half, i.e. one out of the two will be correct. You have 50% chances of being correct. Similarly if you toss a coin the chances that your guess will be correct is 50% (1 out of 2) i.e. 1/2. If you toss a coin the second time, the chances that you will be correct in the second toss is again 50% i.e. half. But the chances that you will be correct in both the tosses is half multiplied by half (1/2 x 1/2) which is equal to 1/4 i.e. 50% of 50% which is equal to 25%. If you toss a coin the third time, chances that you will be correct all three times is (1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2) that is 1/8 or 50% of 50% of 50% that is 12½%.

A dice has got six sides. If you throw a dice and guess any number between 1 to 6, the chances that your guess will be correct is 1/6. If you throw the dice the second time, the chances that your guess will be correct in both the throws is (1/6 x 1/6) which is equal to 1/36. If you throw the dice the third time, the chances that all your three guesses are correct is (1/6 x 1/6 x 1/6) is equal to 1/216 that is less than 0.5 %.

Let us apply this theory of probability to the Qur’an, and assume that a person has guessed all the information that is mentioned in the Qur’an which was unknown at that time. Let us discuss the probability of all the guesses being simultaneously correct.

At the time when the Qur’an was revealed, people thought the world was flat, there are several other options for the shape of the earth. It could be triangular, it could be quadrangular, pentagonal, hexagonal, heptagonal, octagonal, spherical, etc. Lets assume there are about 30 different options for the shape of the earth. The Qur’an rightly says it is spherical, if it was a guess the chances of the guess being correct is 1/30.

The light of the moon can be its own light or a reflected light. The Qur’an rightly says it is a reflected light. If it is a guess, the chances that it will be correct is 1/2 and the probability that both the guesses i.e the earth is spherical and the light of the moon is reflected light is 1/30 x 1/2 = 1/60.

Further, the Qur’an also mentions every living thing is made of water. Every living thing can be made up of either wood, stone, copper, aluminum, steel, silver, gold, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, oil, water, cement, concrete, etc. The options are say about 10,000. The Qur’an rightly says that everything is made up of water. If it is a guess, the chances that it will be correct is 1/10,000 and the probability of all the three guesses i.e. the earth is spherical, light of moon is reflected light and everything is created from water being correct is 1/30 x 1/2 x 1/10,000 = 1/60,000 which is equal to about .0017%.

The Qur’an speaks about hundreds of things that were not known to men at the time of its revelation. Only in three options the result is .0017%. I leave it upto you, to work out the probability if all the hundreds of the unknown facts were guesses, the chances of all of them being correct guesses simultaneously and there being not a single wrong guess. It is beyond human capacity to make all correct guesses without a single mistake, which itself is sufficient to prove to a logical person that the origin of the Qur’an is Divine.

References : Wikipedia, Youtube,
অভিজিত  [ Blogger :​bangla_blog/?author=5 ]

 ShuvRo Kazee [ Facebook Note Author :​Notes ]  

Sir Aurther Conan Doyale, Sir Charles Darwin,

with the help of

Mashreef Ahmed 


River Flows Frozen - The Original Messenger

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