Wedding Traditions in USA
The United States has few wedding traditions that are totally unique to the U.S. Virtually all U.S. wedding traditions and customs have either been taken directly from a wide range of other countries and cultures – primarily European – or they have evolved from traditions in other nations.
There are a few things that all U.S. weddings have in common. To begin with, U.S. wedding ceremonies may be either religious or civil. Most brides prefer a large and rather elaborate ceremony if it is their first wedding
Marriages are not “arranged.” A typical U.S. wedding takes place between two people who have sought out a partner and have found someone whom they believe they can share their life with. In other words, in the United States marriages are based on LOVE. They are not arranged to strengthen family business or influence.

Gifts are an important part of the U.S. wedding tradition. Gifts are given to help the new couple establish a new home together; often gifts of cash are given. A couple may “register” at a specific store where their gift needs are tracked. This allows well-wishers to not only purchase gifts that are truly useful to the new couple, but to also be assured that no one else has purchased the same gift.
Following the reception the couple traditionally goes on a honeymoon, during which their marriage is consummated.
U.S. wedding ceremonies and wedding customs are among the most flexible in all the world.
Wedding Traditions in India
Four Day Wedding Ritual of Indians
Traditional Indian marriage celebrations lasts for four days.
First Day of the Celebration
On the first day, the bride and groom's families each dress in yellow, and celebrate the upcoming nuptials separately.
Second Day of the Celebration
The second day is reserved for a big celebration called Mendi that includes dancing and singing ancient songs. On this day, the groom's family delivers the wedding dress to the bride's family, and then her family takes the groom's wedding attire to his family.
The bride's family string hundreds of colored lights over and around their home, creating an ostentatious announcement of their daughter's forthcoming marriage. Here, the bride-to-be receives traditional henna staining of her hands and feet. This traditional Muslim art form invokes intricately designs to create beautiful symbolic patterns. The bride-to-be is waited on by her family while the henna stain dries overnight.
Third Day is the Marriage CeremonyThe wedding rites and ceremony in India take places on the third day. The Indian bride and groom who continue their traditions wear garments of red. The bride's gown is very elaborate, as are her veil and jewelry. Men wear a distinctive traditional turban. After wedding vows are exchanged, the Holy Quran is held over the new bride's head as she joins her husband's family. The official paperwork is signed in the presence of an Islamic priest and the guests.
Fourth and Final Day of Wedding Program in India
On the fourth day, the couple hosts their first dinner as husband and wife. The groom's family invites all of the guests to their home for a feast.
Red is central to the wedding theme of Taiwan. It signifies love, joy and prosperity and is used in a variety of ways in Chinese wedding traditions.
Before the Chinese Wedding Day
Before her wedding celebration, a Chinese bride traditionally goes into seclusion with her closest friends. This Chinese custom gives the bride-to-be some time to symbolically mourn the loss of her friends and family.
The Day of the Wedding Ceremony
Wedding anniversaries in Taiwan, are carefully chosen according to astrological signs. It is also customary for couples to be married on the half-hour or their wedding day rather than at the top of the hour. In this way, the couple begins their new lives together on an 'upswing', while the hands of the clock are moving up, rather than down.
On the morning of his wedding day, the groom is symbolically dressed by his parents. The groom arrives at the house of his bride on the way to the wedding chapel. He brings gifts of cash, wrapped in red tissue, to give to his bride's friends, in exchange for 'letting her go'.
Chinese Marriage Ceremony and Wedding Reception
The wedding ceremony is usually attended only by the couples' immediate families. Just after the ceremony and before the wedding reception, the bride who honors tradition will serve tea to her in-laws in a formal ceremony. The couple will usually go to a professional studio for wedding pictures before they proceed to their reception. The wedding reception, an elaborate standing only affair.
A welcoming speech is followed by a cake cutting ceremony. The traditional wedding cake is immense, with many layers. The layers symbolize a ladder that they couple will 'climb to success', so couples will cut the cake from the bottom and work their way up. The cutting of the cake is the only event of the reception. The bride and groom feed each other a piece of cake with arms entwined, trying not to destroy the bride's elaborate makeup. A piece is then cut for each of the parents and for the grandparents, who are fed by the bride and groom holding the cake together. Sometimes a wedding toast is given and guests are invited to greet the newlyweds and their parents. Musical entertainment, which ranges from a simple keyboard player to a symphony or orchestra, accompanies the receiving line It is customary for guests to shake hands again before leaving the reception. At more elaborate Chinese weddings, a sit-down reception may feature a 9 or 10 course meal as well as musical entertainment.
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