Sunday, August 5, 2012

Transfixed - ShuvRo Kazee


Isolation is a complete disease on my skin
It reflects me upon the earth,
The light is dim and the air is dead
through delirium i don't know why!

Now i draw the lines
To resign from the world of mine...
I began from being no one
Rose higher and higher to hit the ground
Saw divided earth as reflections,
Debris of mankind under desperation...

Bid farewell to the casket vultures
a magnet-like dead end trap
awaits for me in the end ...

and it is so...
Cruel, Fragile, Precious and Vicious
In the end of everything ...

My shelter is the Emptiness
The stretched void for all
Dying arrangements demand
With the nihilistic perfection
She transfixes me,
the "Butterfly" of joys and Dreams...
the truth unfolds : to the end with nothing...

It awaits me all in the end ...

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