Thursday, January 8, 2015


Dear Students, 

Group Final Presentation (Week 18 (13-1-2015) and report contains (30%) of your total score. Each member of a group need to be present (Presentation side should be in English and you can present Chinese or English (Presentation in English is highly appreciate!).(Presentation time 20 mins).

Your presentation and report writing need to have
1. Title of the research
2. Research motivations
3. Research objectives
4. Research questions/hypothesis

Literature review
 1. Definition of your research construct/key features
2. Which theory you are going to use (If applicable)
3. Supporting literature regards your hypothesis/research questions Research
1. Research method design
2. Data collection and data analysis procedure System Design
3.System Design of your research Authors Guideline

1.     Complete results are highly appreciate
2.     Unfortunately if u cannot show results then you must need to tell the reasonable reason as well as need to show expected results.
Conclusion/Implication/limitation/future direction

7. Report should be more than 8-10 pages including introduction, literature review, research method and system design, method, results, discussion, and conclusion.(You can write Chinese or English and English is highly appreciated).
 8. Single space (Times Romans) Font 12 and 1.5 space.
9.  Report a piece of original research you have conducted in one area of your selected topic.(Published system design is not acceptable)

Best regards Dr. Benazir 

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