Friday, June 22, 2012

Taiwanese vs American Culture

-- Girls in Taiwan are more shy and introverted than their western counterparts, but they are more feminine, tender and caring toward their family and partners as well.
-- Lighter skin is seen as more attractive in Asia. But in America, having a slight tan is seen as healthier and more attractive than being too pale.
-- Taiwanese are taught to be modest, humble and obedient, rather than outspoken, aggressive or assertive. 
--  On the exterior, Taiwanese people are more reserved and cold toward strangers. They are less apt to smile or make eye contact. But once you get to know them, they become more hospitable and generous. Americans smile and chat politely with strangers easily, but do not invite you into their homes or personal lives easily.
-- Being sensitive to another person’s needs is very important in Chinese culture.  It is expected that you will respect the other person and treat them well.  Their needs are met at each encounter.  This is a characteristic that unfortunately has fallen on the wayside in most American circles.
-- Taiwanese are more group and family oriented, while America is more individual oriented. For example, a person marrying someone that their parents disapprove of would not care in the US, but in Taiwan the parents feelings would be a strong factor. However, some say that this is changing in Taiwan. 
-- People in both countries are not generally educated or informed about the rest of the world. Instead, they harbor stereotypes about other countries that are not true, largely due to Hollywood movies, myths and propaganda.
- Citizens of both cultures do not tend to be good at critical thinking. Instead, they blindly believe whatever they are told by their government and media. 
- Both cultures are very materialistic in their values, and teach that wealth and assets are the keys to happiness. They are programmed to work and consume to fill their emptiness, rather than cultivating inner assets (spirituality, knowledge, intellectualism). There is a lot of misery and depression. Suicide rates are high in both cultures.

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