Thursday, October 27, 2011

Integrating book, digital content and robot for learning English

An  emergent  robot  technology  brings  a  new  kind  of  knowledge  representation.  The robot can provide motions and also the social cues in the learning context as in humanto-human conversations.
The use of a robot may increase the authenticity of tasks given to students for  problem  solving. Mitnik  et  al.  (2009)  applied robots  in  learning  kinematics  concepts,  as  well  as  relevant  graph  construction  and interpretation. They  found  that  students learning with  the  robot  outperformed  their counterparts  in  graph  interpretation,  and  if  compared  with  a  similar  computer simulated  activity, learning with  robots was even more effective. 
Simiarly, Wei et  al. (2011)  applied  robots  (made  from  Lego Mindstorm)  in  teaching  third-graders multiplication  and  found  that  the  robot motivated  student learning  and  the humanrobot  interaction  may  contribute  to  student  learning  outcomes. 
Singing and Dancing with robot
 Though  robotic technology  has  been  exploited  in  a  few  educational  settings,  little  effort  has  been attempted to apply it in the context of English learning.


  1. nice attempt. it will inspire students to learn basic language skills and keeping the learning process fun. and it should be cheap so that many school can afford this. Can u plz tell me how much it is?

  2. we would like to watch more detail video demonstration. Can you please share with us?

  3. Forward to the future! 

  4. What kind of learning activity is going on there?

  5. @ Shaira-There are 5 kinds of learning activities for example vocabulary learning, single sentence read alone, full article read alone, cloz test,singing and dancing.

  6. @ Johny, It is not really cheap, researcher are trying to control its price. Hope so near future it will be cheap!!
