Friday, February 17, 2012

Taiwan Festivals and Events

Festivals and special events are a part and parcel of everyday lives and every country has its own set of festivals to break free from the mundane world and add some spice to their lives. It doesn't come as a big surprise that the country of Taiwan has it own set of events and festivals which they commemorate with big fervor.The festivals and events in the country of Taiwan can be divided into two major categories where the festivals are associated with the traditional lunar calendar whereas the holidays are in synchronization with the Western calendar.The lunar festivals can be attributed to the country's lineage with China which gives an opportunity to the people to relieve their past and revive the bondage with a country with which they shared some common cultural traits.These lunar festivals also have a mythical importance and all hold a special significance in the lives of the ordinary Taiwanese.The official commemorative days which are based on the western calendar are usually there to celebrate the achievements of those people who have left a mark in the history of the nation. Some days are usually marked to remind the ordinary citizens about the important landmarks of history and the importance they have in the growth and development of Taiwan.

Some important festivals and Events of Taiwan
January - Spring Festival
February - The Lantern Festival
March - Youth Day - Birthday of Kuan Yin Goddess of Mercy
April - Tomb Sweeping Festival - Festival of the God of Medicine - Birthday of the Goddess of the Sea
May - Buddha Bathing Festival
June - Dragon Boat Festival
September - Ghost Month - Mid-Autumn Festival
October - Double Tenth National Day

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