Friday, November 4, 2011

5 things you didn’t know about Steve Jobs

Early life and childhood
Jobs was born in San Francisco on February 24, 1955. He was adopted shortly after his birth by a couple named Clara and Paul Jobs. His birth mother, Joanne Simpson, was a graduate student at the time and later a speech pathologist; his biological father, Abdulfattah John Jandali, was a Syrian Muslim who left the country at age 18 and reportedly now serves as the vice president of a Reno, Nevada casino. 
College dropout
After graduating from high school in Cupertino, California, Jobs enrolled in Reed College in 1972. Jobs stayed at Reed for only one semester, dropping out quickly due to the financial burden.
The wife he leaves behind
Like the rest of his family life, Jobs kept his marriage out of the public eye. Jobs was raising a family with his wife, Laurene, an entrepreneur who attended the University of Pennsylvania's prestigious Wharton business school and later received her MBA at Stanford, where she first met her future husband.
His sister is a famous author
His sister, Mona Simpson (born Mona Jandali), is the well-known author of Anywhere But Here — a story about a mother and daughter that was later adapted into a film starring Natalie Portman and Susan Sarandon.
His first daughter
When he was 23, Jobs and his high school girlfriend Chris Ann Brennan conceived a daughter, Lisa Brennan Jobs. She was born in 1978, just as Apple began picking up steam in the tech world. He and Brennan never married, and Jobs reportedly denied paternity for some time, going as far as stating that he was sterile in court documents. He went on to father three more children with Laurene Powell. After later mending their relationship, Jobs paid for his first daughter's education at Harvard. She graduated in 2000 and now works as a magazine writer.

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