Saturday, October 8, 2011

iCub: Crawling Robot Baby

iCub enjoys the view of San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge during a break from his demos at the 2011 International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems.

Now a day, Researchers build Robot babies to investigate human cognition, language acquisition, and motor development. Some Japanese researchers even say robot babies could help introduce young people to the wonders of parenthood and boost birth rates.

As far as robot babies go, iCub is the latest one. iCub designed to emulate the way a human child learns, was recently seen showing off its new, improved crawling skills on the convention floor at the IROS robotics conference in San Francisco. Aside from learning to crawl, iCub is all about exploring how human cognition develops, using facial expressions and adaptive learning techniques. The idea is that iCub can learn in the same way a child would. 


  1. "I'm crawling for you.

    Do you love me, father?." hahaha

  2. Lil Creepy.. robots should stick with wheels.

  3. what he is looking for ? i think he needs toy or ...

  4. Kazi you are right.I think it is their preliminary work. Near future u may see something new.

  5. He is not really looking for anything, He is practicing crawling.Researchers thought that, it may influence to married couples to take baby!

  6. The robot which you have uploaded is nice for not only its advance technology but also its high robotic power and it is already known to me.

  7. seems to me this is very information technology. How about its market price?

  8. iCub designed to emulate the way a human child learns, was recently seen showing off its new, improved crawling skills. It will be very helpful for human child, to inspiring crawling.
